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to the NEW Lydiateworld website,
a site not connected to any political or religious organisations.
It is for people who love Lydiate, people who live in Lydiate
and for those who may have moved away but want to stay in contact with the area.
Here you can find out news and about events going on in Lydiate, view photographs,
read guestbook comments, and memories from past times on the memories page.
Lydiateworld also has a very popular Facebook page
for extra photographs, comments and current news.
Click on the link below ,you may have to log in to Facebook to view.
Lydiateworld is also on Twitter so please take a look and follow Lydiateworld.
Click on the link below to view
If you would like to add any news. events, reviews, memories, photographs (old and new)
please e-mail : lydiateworld@hotmail.co.uk